Micrometeorological Tower
At the end of 2005 a 30 m tower was erected at HUBC South Side. Since then, an array of instruments has been used to study atmospheric surface layer (lowest part of the PBL) processes, and monitor meteorological parameters
Surface Layer parameters
- Static atmospheric pressure
- Temperature, and Humidity profile for Atmospheric Stability.
- Wind Sped and wind direction.
- Turbulent Fluxes (Momentum, Sensible, Latent, and CO2) from an Eddy-
- Covariance System.
- Net Radiation, reflected solar and terrestrial radiation, and infra-red thermometers
- Rainfall, rainfall rate, and droplet distribution
- Soil temperature and moisture profile, soil heat flux.
- Trace gas measurements – not active
- Aerosol Measurements – not active
- Rainfall characterization.
- Turbulent Exchange between Surface Layer and Mixed Layer focusing on flux dependence on wind direction and cloud formation.
- Stable Boundary Layer exchanges during Lower Level Jet events.
- Differences in skin temperatures between grassy and forested areas to determine proper footprint for the Turbulent Energy Balance closure.